














Cobb Salad <コブサラダ>

・レタス 80g
・ゆで卵 1個
・グリルチキン 50g
・ベーコン 2枚
・ミニトマト 6個
・赤たまねぎ 1/2カップ
・アボカド 1/2個


① ベーコンは1cm幅に切り、フライパンに油をひかずに熱し中火でカリカリに炒める.
② レタスは冷水にさらして水気をきり、食べやすい大きさにちぎる。
③ ミニトマト、サラダチキン、赤たまねぎ、アボカド、ゆで卵を切る。
④ ボウルに材料を入れる。
➄ ドレッシングをかけ、食べる直前に全体をよく混ぜる。。




Lustau Amantillado Los Arcos Dark ‘n Stormy

・ルスタウ・アモンティリャード・ロス・アルコス 60ml
・ジンジャーエール でアップ (約180ml)


① ハイボールグラスに氷を入れ、アモンティリャードを注ぎます。
② ジンジャーエールを注ぎ、軽くかき混ぜます。
③ シトラスの風味を加えるため、オレンジツイストでガーニッシュします。





Celebrating Autumn with Lustau Amontillado Los Arcos Cocktails and the Classic Cobb Salad

As autumn leaves begin to display their vibrant colors, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the rich and complex flavors of Lustau Amontillado Los Arcos Sherry. Amontillado is a special type of sherry that begins life as a Fino and develops deeper, nuttier characteristics through years of aging and exposure to air. The result is an amber-colored dry sherry with rich hazelnut aromas, offering a smooth, mellow palate and a long-lasting finish. It’s the perfect drink for cooling days, providing warmth and depth with every sip.

What Makes Lustau Amontillado Sherry Special?

Amontillado is a unique sherry that bridges the gap between Fino’s crispness and Oloroso’s richness, distinguished by its complex production process. It starts as a Fino, developing sharp flavors under a layer of “flor” (yeast). Later, it’s fortified further, and as the flor disappears and aging continues, exposure to air develops oxidative qualities, producing nuttier and more complex flavors. Through years of aging, Amontillado develops its distinctive deep flavor profile, becoming a special sherry that combines characteristics of both Fino and Oloroso. This balance of lightness and depth makes Amontillado an exceptionally versatile sherry, enjoyable both on its own and in cocktails.

Autumn Pairings with Lustau Amontillado Sherry

Lustau Amontillado’s nutty and dry characteristics pair beautifully with a wide range of dishes, especially spicy dishes and green asparagus. As we transition into autumn, why not try pairing it with seasonal vegetables? The earthiness and subtle sweetness of these autumn ingredients enhance Amontillado’s complexity, creating a celebration of the season with every bite and sip.

One dish that goes especially well with Lustau Amontillado is the classic Cobb Salad. It’s packed with protein and has been a favorite for years. You can give it a fun autumn flair by adding roasted pumpkin, sweet potatoes, maitake mushrooms, and lotus root—those earthy fall flavors really make the salad pop, and they pair beautifully with Lustau Amontillado!

But did you know this classic dish has roots in Hollywood’s Golden Age?

The Story of the Cobb Salad

The Cobb Salad was invented in the 1930s at the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant, famous for its derby hat shape. Owner Robert Howard Cobb is credited with creating this iconic dish. Legend has it that one late night, a hungry Cobb created a salad using kitchen leftovers. This impromptu creation combining chopped lettuce, boiled eggs, grilled chicken, crispy bacon, avocado, tomatoes, and onions became a Brown Derby favorite, beloved by celebrities and locals alike before achieving worldwide fame. What makes the Cobb Salad so great is how versatile it is—you can mix and match different tasty, seasonal ingredients to make a satisfying meal that goes perfectly with Lustau Amontillado!

Perfect Pairing: Cobb Salad and Lustau Amontillado

The lightness and nutty characteristics of Lustau Amontillado balance perfectly with the Cobb Salad’s rich ingredients, from creamy avocado to smoky bacon. The crisp lettuce and acidic tomatoes add freshness, while the sherry’s long finish complements the lingering flavors.

Here’s how to recreate this classic dish at home:

Cobb Salad Recipe

  • 80g lettuce
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 50g grilled chicken
  • 2 slices bacon
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup red onion
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Cobb salad dressing


  1. Cut bacon into 1cm strips and crisp in a dry pan over medium heat
  2. Wash lettuce in cold water, drain, and tear into bite-sized pieces
  3. Cut cherry tomatoes, chicken, red onion, avocado, and boiled egg
  4. Combine ingredients in a bowl
  5. Add dressing and toss well just before serving

Fresh Twist: Dark and Stormy with Amontillado Sherry

While Amontillado is often enjoyed neat, it also makes an excellent cocktail base. The classic Dark ‘n Stormy, traditionally made with rum, takes on new appeal when mixed with Amontillado. The sherry’s nutty richness harmonizes with ginger ale’s spiciness, creating a perfect cocktail for cool autumn evenings that combines refreshment and warmth.

Lustau Amontillado Dark and Stormy

  • 2 oz Lustau Amontillado Los Arcos
  • Top with ginger ale (approximately 6 oz)
  • Garnish: Orange twist or lime wedge


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice and add Amontillado
  2. Top with ginger ale and stir gently
  3. Garnish with an orange twist for citrus notes

Final Thoughts

Lustau Amontillado shines in any setting – whether enjoyed neat, in cocktails, or paired with classic dishes like the Cobb Salad. Its nutty, dry character with subtle sweetness creates ideal autumn pairings. Whether enhancing a meal or creating refreshing drinks for relaxation, consider Lustau Amontillado your go-to choice this season.

For more information about Lustau’s range of exceptional sherries and recipe inspirations, visit our website (link below) or follow us on social media.




2016 IWSC Best Sherry Producer
2017,2022 IWC Best Spanish Winemaker(醸造家 セルヒオ・マルティネス氏)
2017-2022, 2024 IWC Best Fortified Winemaker

