



以下のレシピをお試しいただき、このクラフトカクテルとクラシックカクテルの世界に革命を起こす新しいベルモットの魅力をぜひ体験してください。今後のすべてのカクテルを、ルスタウ ベルモット ドライで格上げしましょう!


Not so Dirty Martini  <ノット・ソ・ダーティー・マティーニ>

・ルスタウ・ベルモット・ブランコ・ドライ 30ml
・ドライ・ジン 60ml
・グリーンオリーブ 3個


① 氷を入れたシェイカーに、ジンとルスタウ・ベルモット・ブランコ・ドライを入れます。
② よくかき混ぜてから、マティーニグラスに注ぎます。
③ オリーブの串を 3 本添えます。

Introducing the Lustau Vermut Blanco Dry – Not so Dirty Martini

Some of the finest bartenders and mixologists in the United States have contributed to the creation of this exceptional vermut. Its remarkable potential has garnered significant attention in the world of mixology. Furthermore, Spanish mixologists have provided valuable insights, confirming its place as a sophisticated addition to the world of Martini variations and classic cocktails.

Try the “Not so Dirty Martini” to discover how Lustau Vermut Blanco Dry brings a briny flavor profile without the use of olive brine. This unique vermouth lets its botanicals and briny flavor take center stage, while the silky texture elevates the cocktail, creating a perfectly balanced twist on the classic martini. Try the recipe below to discover how this new vermut will shake up the world of craft and classic cocktails. Elevate every cocktail from now on with Lustau Vermut Dry!

Not So Dirty Martini

• 1oz Lustau Vermut Dry
• 2 oz London Dry Gin
• 3 Green Olives


1. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine dry gin and Lustau Vermut Blanco Dry.
2. Stir well, about 30 seconds, then strain into a Martini glass.
3. Garnish with three olives skewer.

Lustau Vermut Dry is crafted with a delicate yet complex, dry, and salty Manzanilla Sherry aged in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. This vermut is not your typical white vermouth. It is the perfect substitute, standing out from the ordinary due to its pure botanical aromas, saline flavors, and silky-smooth texture. It will captivate your senses in any cocktail—visually, aromatically, and on the palate.




2016 IWSC Best Sherry Producer
2017,2022 IWC Best Spanish Winemaker(醸造家 セルヒオ・マルティネス氏)
2017-2022, 2024 IWC Best Fortified Winemaker

